Internet Sites for Career Planning

The Internet offers a huge variety of career resources. Many of these resources can be used for self-help career planning (see links below), although we recommend searching for a credentialed career services provider. For the benefit of career development professionals, we have undertaken a time-consuming effort to collect, organize, curate, and publish online, a listing of free, current, and credible Internet resources.

In addition to the professional judgment of the volunteers from the NCDA Technology Committee, NCDA has set the following guidelines for inclusion of the resources linked on this page:

  1. Follow the mission of NCDA which is “to inspire and empower individuals to achieve their career and life goals” and may not violate the NCDA non-discrimination policy.
  2. Be viewable by anyone with Internet access without any major or substantial services requiring payment (in other words the critical information is free and the site does not try to entice users into paying for fee-based services)
  3. Contain accurate, factual, unbiased, and current information
  4. Have strong and obvious relevance to career development
  5. Be easy and clear to navigate
  6. Provide information of use to the client
  7. Be professionally prepared and executed (embedded links work, presentation is professional, grammar correct, appropriate use of images, no typos, extra resources and assistance provided when appropriate).
  8. Display content that is appropriate and fair to all cultures and genders
  9. Use professional email addresses for contact purposes.

Would you like a link on this page? Use our online form.

If a new site fits the above guidelines, submit the title of the resource, the link, a 2-3 sentence description of what the site contains, and additional information for the reviewers. Submit the request now using our formdo not email NCDA. Lengthy “sales pitches” about a new site will not be considered. Updates (typically quarterly) will be made at the editor's and reviewers' discretion.

Looking for a resource to help with your career planning?

Click on the category below to find the Internet resources you wish to review and use. Before using the links, please review the NCDA Legal Notice and Disclaimer.

[Note: Links were updated in February 2025. New links will be added after a review of the request forms. Reviews are conducted by the NCDA Technology Committee.]

Career Service Centers are granted permission to link to this Resources webpage  - please give credit to NCDA!



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