Career Developments Magazine
Career Developments, the NCDA quarterly magazine for members-only, is a themed publication offering articles that balance a broad vision with practical applications. Each issue offers a focused article on a select theme, a feature article on a prominent NCDA event, and specific content for departments that match the work settings of members. Additional regularl columns cover such topics as ethics, the state career development associations, leaders' thoughts and more.
"Adapting Career Development Strategies to Meet Changing Needs"
Spring 2025
From emerging industries to shifting skill requirements,
the world of work seems to be changing more quickly,
and in more ways, than ever before. How can you
stay ahead of the changes, ensuring that your work
remains relevant and that your clients and students are
equipped to not only take the next step in their careers,
but also thrive? This issue aligns with the theme for
NCDA’s 2025 Global Career Development Conference
- Autonomy to Change: Evolving and Adapting Career
Development in Revolutionary Times.
Table of Contents
Adapting to Disruption: Fostering Career Resilience
By Lynn Berger
Career Development in a Volatile Global Market
By Manuela Morelli
The 2025 NCDA Global Career Development Conference
By Mary Ann Powell
K-12 Career Development
Empowering Students Through Career-Connected Schools: Insights from Pfaff Elementary’s CLI (Career Language Integration) and RIASEC Rotation Stations
By Ed Hidalgo
Higher Education Highlights
Nurturing Hope and Resilience in Climate Aware Career Development
By Breanne Cahoy, Michelle Doerr, and Christine Park
From the President
Innovation Requires Continuous Learning
By Marty Apodaca
From the Executive Director:
Adapting Member Support for the Future
By Deneen Pennington
Thought Leaders Insights
A Conversation with Marie Zimenoff
By Jenn Leard
CDQ Spotlight - NEW!
Support for Online Happiness Strengths Intervention to Increase Career Starters Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
By McKenna Barkett
In the States
By Markell Morris
Ethics in a Nutshell
Ethics of Navigating Emerging Technology
By Christopher R. LaFever
On the Web
By Melanie Reinersman
The Marketplace
The Value of Career Resilience
By Charles Lehman
* The magazine is a members-only benefit - would you like to join now?
Each issue is only available for 3 months (until the next issue is released). Please download now. Issues are not archived.
Select issues are available in The HUB for obtaining CEs for completing courses.
In response to requests for “going green,” the members magazine is available to all NCDA Members in a digital format. We understand that many members enjoy holding the printed magazine in their hands by receiving it their mailbox. The print format is still available as a membership option. Those in the United States may opt to receive the print version, at no additional charge. Those from outside of the US may elect to receive a print copy for $15 annually. Please make your selection for print during your membership renewal process by using the membership form or accessing your profile under Members Only.