This directory can help guide NCDA credential holders to choose training opportunities and obtain contact hours to meet the requirements of your credential.
Browse our listings of credentialed providers below for a training that suits your needs.
Disclaimer: NCDA (including the NCDA Credentialing Commission) does not endorse or approve the course or the course provider’s services, nor does NCDA make any representation or guarantee concerning the provider or course. NCDA disclaims all liability and responsibility for any action or decision made in reliance on the information contained in the listing, or for any actions or inactions of the course provider with respect to any party, or for any related claim, loss or injury. NCDA is not responsible for provider compliance with legal requirements related to its business activities or otherwise.
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Bridge the Gap
Nancy AL Hamad, Dubai- United Arab Emirates,
Phone: 00971504801313
Bridge the Gap
At Bridge the Gap, under my leadership as Nancy Al Hamad, we are committed to empowering school and university counselors with the right tools, training, and resources to effectively guide students in shaping their future career pathways. Counselors play a pivotal role in helping students navigate their academic and professional journeys, yet many lack specialized training in career development, decision-making frameworks, and up-to-date global university admissions processes. Through Bridge the Gap’s training programs, we focus on equipping counselors with practical skills such as CV writing, building sustainable career goals, guiding students in personal statement writing, university and program selection, and understanding application processes for key destinations like the UK, USA, Canada, Europe, and beyond. By investing in counselor development, we are not only supporting individual students but also strengthening the entire education ecosystem, ensuring that young people are empowered to make confident, informed decisions about their futures.
Career Planning Academy
Dr. Janet Wall,; 202-465-5774
Career Planning Academy
Career Planning Academy offers online, self-paced courses, live/recorded webinars, and certifications in career development. The clock hours earned can count toward your GCDF, LPC, NCC, BCC, CCSP, CMCS, CCC, CCSCC, CCCE, CSCDA, CDWP, ACC, PCC, MCC and others. Our instructors/presenters are documented experts and hold at least a Master’s degree.
Career Vita
Career Vita has been curating career development trainings for Counselors, College Faculty and College Staff since 2018. All trainings are curated with an equity lens by College Faculty and Counselors with expertise in Career Development Theory and Certified Career Counselor certification. (Career Vita was formerly known as Connect Career Consulting.)
Careers by Design
Mark Danaher, CCC, CCSP, CSCDA,, 203-598-1891,
Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions (CCWT) at University of WI - Madison, 608-886-3125
CCWT provides professional development opportunities designed by students, faculty, and practitioners that empower postsecondary professionals to engage in innovative, culturally responsive career wellness and development strategies with students. Activities include webinars, seminars, institutes, and conferences, and all events are affordable or free. Trainer credentials range from doctoral candidates to CCSP certified to undergraduates with faculty advisors to PhD faculty experts.
CUSCS has been providing training in career development and facilitation in Hong Kong since 2014 and is now offering several enhancement modules focusing on areas such as group facilitation skills, advanced facilitation skills and assessment tools together with the FCD programme. Website:
Harrison & Associates East, LLC
Melyssa Harrison, CMCS, GCDF, CWDP, FCD Master Trainer, SCDA Instructor, and GCDFI
Harrison & Associates East, LLC
Harrison & Associates East provides professional development, continuing education, and career development trainings for career practitioners and supervisors. All trainings focus on career development and workforce development competencies. Customized options are available.
HKPES has been providing training in career development and facilitation in Hong Kong since 2010 and NCDA FCD training since 2020. We now offer enhancement modules such as group facilitation skills, advanced facilitation skills, career coaching skills, career theories and applications, and assessment tools in addition to the FCD training.
HorizonPoint Consulting
Taylor Simmons, or
The Institute for Career Advising and Development (ICAD)
Paige McDonough,, 713‑429‑5994;
The Institute for Career Advising and Development (ICAD)
The Institute for Career Advising and Development (ICAD) is designed to empower educators and workforce leaders to help individuals find, refine, and develop their best-fit career pathway. The Institute provides learning opportunities in various formats allowing learners to develop skills that are timely, relevant, and foster their own career development.
Lincoln Square Coaching LLC
Joseph Amodeo
(212) 320-8973
Lincoln Square Coaching LLC by Lincoln Square Coaching offers targeted continuing education for career counseling professionals. Our programs equip professionals with evidence-based strategies to effectively support neurodiverse clients in career development and planning. We promote inclusive career development practices that recognize and adapt to diverse abilities, enhancing your capacity to guide youth and adults with disabilities toward fulfilling career paths.
Peak-Careers Consulting
Peak-Careers Consulting offers professional development for career service providers. Our online seminars are unique because they are discussion-based with 4-10 career service providers in each 5-week seminar. We have a variety of career topics from theory to practice. Check out our 12 month calendar: Calendar
The Preparation Review
The Preparation Review Learning Center Limited,
Ms. Israa Shaheen, Abu Dhabi & Al Ain - United Arab Emirates, Phone: 00971566291952
The Preparation Review
Established in 2018, The Preparation Review Learning Center is a licensed and ISO-certified training institute in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. We provide high-quality test preparation, academic support, and professional development programs, ensuring every learner is equipped with the right skills for success.
Pritchard Group Elearning
Dr. Constance J Pritchard, 609-231-9059,
Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR)
PAR is proud to offer complimentary webinars and continuing education through sessions relevant to your work. Once you are registered and logged in, you can view and sign up for upcoming webinar sessions. Simply register or log in to join us for an upcoming PARtalks session
School of Education
Judy Ettinger
School of Education
The University of Wisconsin-Madison offers Professional Development Classes and Institutes. We offer Institutes every summer that focus on the CCSP Competencies and other trainings throughout the year. Currently, we offer these trainings remotely. We are also prepared to customize trainings upon request. Dr. Judy Ettinger has been involved with this program since its inception in the mid-1990’s.
Workforce Ready Solutions
Charise Wilson, MS, CCSP, CPRW, GCDF, (401) 526-9090
Workforce Ready Solutions
Workforce Ready Solutions, LLC offers engaging, tailored, and career-enhancing professional development training options. Our virtual courses are flexible and we create customized courses upon request. These are interactive and relevant for current career development practitioners seeking CEUs. Group rates are available.