How to Choose a Credential

You have five choices:

  • Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) - for individuals from an array of backgrounds, who deliver services and demonstrate core competency in the field of career services. Completion of the Facilitating Career Development training program is required before applying. 

  • Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS) – recognizes the contributions of professionals who have mastered a variety of coaching, advising, consulting roles in the field of career services.

  • Certified Career Counselor (CCC) the new standard of professional excellence for individuals trained as counselors, who specialize in the delivery of career counseling services.

  • Certified Clinical Supervisor of Career Counseling (CCSCC) – recognizes the contributions of individuals who serve as clinical supervisors to career counselors and other practitioners who provide career services.

  • Certified School Career Development Advisor (CSCDA) - for providers who work with other staff in the K-12 sector to coordinate the design, implementation, and monitoring of school and community based efforts to improve the chances of students entering the job market with skills, knowledge, and credentials to be competitive.

Which credential is best for me? The documents below may help you in your decision:

Credentialing Mind Map

Choose Your Credential - Mind Map -PDF


Factors to Consider when Choosing a Credential


NCDA Career Services Practitioner Comparison Chart