NCDA Credentialing Commission
About the Commission
In the spring of 2016, the NCDA Board of Directors approved the formation and work of a Presidential Task Force to research and recommend credentialing options for professionals within the field of career development. This Task Force identified five distinct credentials that would recognize the contributions of career development practitioners, supervisors, and educators. The NCDA Board resolved to establish and fund an initiative, thus in January 2017, the NCDA Credentialing Commission was born.
Members of this first Credentialing Commission came from the original 2016 Task Force. Currently, nominations for openings on the Commission are announced to the NCDA membership and candidates must submit a formal application for consideration by the existing Commission members. Following candidate interviews, the Commission then makes their recommendations to the NCDA Board, to fill open (3 year) terms on the Commission.
The Commission has the responsibility of maintaining the quality and integrity of NCDA credentials. In addition, the Commission oversees the NCDA Continuing Education guidelines and the Audit Panel charged with verifying the renewal of all NCDA credentials.
The NCDA Credentialing Commission is governed by a set of bylaws and a Master Policy and Procedures Manual. The Credentialing Commission Bylaws were amended and approved on June 28, 2023. The second edition of the Credentialing Commission Policy and Procedures Manual was approved and finalized on July 28, 2023. The manual is designed to direct and assist the Credentialing Commission, NCDA Headquarters, and the NCDA Board to plan, implement, and evaluate the roles and functions of their respective assignments.
More details about Commission activities are included in the Credentialing Commission Mid Year Report March 2025 and the Credentialing Commission Annual Report 2023-2024
Past Commission Leaders & Advisory Group
Windie Wilson - Chair of the Credentialing Commission (2023-24)
Jessica Worny Janicki - Chair of the Credentialing Commission (2022-2023)
Tina Anctil Peterman - Chair of the Credentialing Commission (2021-2022)
James Westhoff – Chair of the Credentialing Commission (2020-2021)
John E. Long – Chair of the Credentialing Commission (2019-2020)
Constance Jenkins Pritchard – Chair of the Credentialing Commission (2017-2019)
Marilyn Maze – Chair of the Presidential Task Force on Credentialing (2016)
Judith M. Hoppin - Advisor
Monique Johnson, Ed.D., CMCS, NCCCommission ChairBrief Biography > | Melanie Adams, M.S., CMCSCMCS CommissionerBrief Biography > |
Debra Ruddell, M.S., CCC, GCDFChair-electBrief Biography > | Timothy Poynton, EdD, CCSP, CCSCC, GCDFCCSP CommissionerBrief Biography > |
Michelle Gross, MBA, M.Ed, CAE, ICE-CCPAd Hoc Member at LargeBrief Biography > | Celeste J. Hall, M.Ed, SCDA, CCSP, GCDFSCDA CommissionerBrief Biography > |
Charles RaphaelDirector of Credentialingcraphael@ncda.orgBrief Biography > | Dirk MatthewsBoard Liaisondirkwmatthews@gmail.comBrief Biography > |