
List of members offering pro bono career services to displaced federal workers

NCDA’s Board, in collaboration with the Government Relations Committee, created a list of credentialed members who are willing to provide pro bono career services to displaced federal workers. 


Those holding NCDA membership and an NCDA Credential who are willing to provide pro bono career services are listed here.


The NCDA volunteer will decide on the length of the pro bono work (initial consultation) and parameters around each relationship. NCDA is promoting this list*, with the member's name, email, and website, to federal workers from all over the US. Please share this list as appropriate.


If you have any questions about this service, please contact the chairs of the Government Relations Committee: Elle O'Flaherty at elleoflaherty@interlacesolutions.com or Sarah JanTausch at sarah@valuesbasedcareers.com

* Please note the NCDA Legal Disclaimer


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