
Twitter 101: Terminology Tips

Twitter 101: Terminology Tips

Twitter has its own language. Learning these commonly used terms will improve your experience. Tweet – 140 character message. Tweep – user on twitter. Follower –A person who sees what you tweet. Timeline – The stream of tweets that you see on your screen. Retweet (RT) – when a user resends someone else's tweet. This is often a sign of respect and admiration. It shows up on both users' timelines. Modified Tweet (MT) – An RT with some minor changes; shows that the shared tweet is not in its original form. Hashtag – the # in front of keyword or phrase that is used to highlight your tweet and categorize it for easy search. Hat tip (HT) – Used when you mention another tweep who provided some inspiration for your tweet.  Review this vocabulary and acronym list http://thenextweb.com/twitter/2012/09/15/a-list-twitters-language/ for more terms.

Tip provided by Elliot Schoenberg, eschoenberg@rabbincialassembly.org  and Dan Schoenberg daniel.f.schoenberg@gmail.com

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