
Share Conferences & Events in States/Regions

View the Calendar on the Home Page

State cdas are encouraged to submit events for the Calendar.

Please submit the following to webeditor@ncda.org as soon as the state event details are set:

  1. Name of event (including subtitles; eg. “Minnesota CDA Fall Event: Generational Differences”)
  2. Dates / Times
  3. Location
  4. Link for more info
  5. Optional: description – a short, text-only paragraph is fine, especially if there is something specific to highlight (e.g. if your keynote speaker is the NCDA President); do not attach a pdf or other document; most often the event name is self-explanatory and the link will provide the best info so this description is not necessary.


If the CDA is a chartered state, NCDA will include the event on the Home Page calendar.  Members will be reminded to visit this calendar via an announcement in the monthly e-bulletin sent during the second week of the month. Click on View All Events, to see a list of Related Career Conferences (in addition to state and NCDA events).


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