Reprint Policy

All material in Career Convergence is copyrighted. Links to the web magazine are encourage - you may link to Please do not reprint articles without permission. To request permission to reprint an article, email the editor at Please include the name of the article, author, and where the article will be reprinted.

The following statement must be included with all reprints:

"This article originally appeared in NCDA's web magazine, Career Convergence, at Copyright National Career Development Association, (month, year). Reprinted with permission."

State career development associations do not need to contact the editor when reprinting in state newsletters or websites, but must still use the above citation. This is a benefit of chartered associations with NCDA.

Reprint permission will be granted to all reasonable requests on a case-by-case basis. Additional details about the copyright are listed in the Legal Notice and Disclaimer .

Authors - please refer to your signed Copyright Transfer Form for the details about your permitted uses.


According to APA's Publication Manual (7th ed), an online magazine or newspaper article is cited as follows.

Author, Initial. (year, Month). Title of the article. Career

For example:

Hayden, S. (2020, October). The vitality of involvement with NCDA. Career Convergence.



Learn more about the web magazine on an NCDA podcast, "Using Career Convergence in your Career Development Work":

Cc Podcast Screenshot