Career Developments
NCDA's Quarterly News Magazine for Members
Career Developments is a 24 page, multi-colored magazine aimed at members (with additional selected distribution). Offering a mix of broad themed-visions and practical applications, the Career Developments is a must-read for all career development professionals!
Participation by NCDA members in this new publication is encouraged. The Focus and Feature for each issue, as well as the Submission Guidelines, are described below.
Audience: Approximately 4000 readers are members of NCDA, and are career development professionals. The Career Developments News Magazine is a benefit of membership. Additional distribution tbd, up to a total printing of 5000 copies per issue.
Focus: Articles should relate to the set Focus of each issue and fall into one of the standard content areas (see below). The main "headlining" article(s) pertaining to the Focus and Feature of each issue is solicited by the editors, although drafted ideas are welcome. The Focus article is approximately 2400 words.
Style: Articles should be written in an informative/practical style - a combination of broad vision with practical application. Use active voice, rather than passive and gender inclusive language ("he or she" rather than just "she"). Avoid jargon, and spell out abbreviations on the first use. Use references when appropriate rather than footnotes.
Length / Format: Department articles are approximately 1200 words in length, including title, abstract, and section subheads. Authors should include a proposed title and abstract (up to 40 words) and a short bio (including highest degree, current position, relevant work, e-mail address, and web links, if appropriate). The use of References should be limited. Articles may be submitted via e-mail, as an MS Word file attachment. Articles may be edited for space or clarity.
Conditions: All work must be original. Authors should not submit articles that are being considered, accepted, or published by another publication. All published material is copyrighted by NCDA. (The author's signature on the copyright transfer form is required). Reprint permission will be granted if submitted in writing to the editor. Submission implies acceptance of NCDA policy. Membership in NCDA is not required of authors. No compensation will be given for articles.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to support the work submitted by authors is to be cautiously undertaken, as the nature of AI is dynamic and not necessarily transparent. Any AI tools employed in the creation of a submission (e.g., large language models (LLMs), chatbots and image creators) must preserve the requirements of the publication, including but not limited to, originality, accuracy and professional integrity. Tools are the responsibility of the author to vet. Avoiding the generative use of AI, while cautiously considering editing use, is recommended.
How to Submit: Authors should email one of the members of the editorial team (preferably prior to submitting an article, well in advance of the deadline). All submissions should be electronically sent via an attachment to an email.
Click here to return to the Career Developments home page, which includes the list of the editorial team.