
NCDA Seeks Nominees for Board Positions

The 2025 NCDA Nominations and Elections Committee seeks applications for the following board positions:

The officer’s descriptions and responsibilities are included in the Policy and Procedures Manual 2024-25 starting on page 14. 

The qualifications are as follows:

To be eligible for board office nomination, applicants must hold NCDA membership as a Professional or Regular Member, based on the office sought.  The NCDA President-Elect-Elect position requires 6 consecutive years of membership. The rest of the offices require 2 consecutive years of membership.  In addition to knowledge about and experience in the career development field, the Nominations and Elections Committee seeks leadership candidates with demonstrated commitment and service to the organization, a working knowledge of NCDA’s governance, and a temperament that contributes to and generates group consensus, wisdom, and vision.


Ideally, candidates should have the following qualifications:

President-Elect-Elect: Ideally, candidates should have served on the NCDA board before assuming the president-elect-elect position. 

Treasurer: Candidates should have previous financial experience with monitoring a budget, understanding financial reports, and communicating with an auditor. 

Trustee for Private Practice, Business/Industry, and Agencies: Candidates must work and provide career development services in one of the respective settings to best advocate for each constituency’s needs and services. 

Trustee-at-Large: For the 2025-28 term, the trustee-at-large will focus on NCDA’s increasing global membership and their specific needs. The ideal candidate will be interested in career development internationally and can advocate for the association on a global scale. This candidate will be intimately involved with the Board's ongoing discussion on how to best guide potential expansion and how to best leverage NCDA resources for this growth. This candidate may be from outside the US or living within the US possessing the international experience to fulfill the role.

Members are encouraged to self-nominate or recommend an interested NCDA colleague to the committee.  The deadline for submission is February 6, 2025.  The Nominations and Elections Committee will recommend their final slate of potential officers to the NCDA Board in February. Those approved to be on the slate will be forwarded for presentation (and voting to narrow the slate, if necessary) at the Annual Membership Meeting during the 2025 NCDA Global Career Development Conference. The final two candidates per position will be approved during that meeting and will move on to the general elections (July 1-Aug 15, 2025). The final vote will be announced by August 16, 2025. The term for these positions will start on October 1, 2025.

All interested members should review the following policies and expectations before applying:

  1. All elected NCDA Board Members are required to join the American Counseling Association.  Half of the price of membership is reimbursed by NCDA.
  2. All elected NCDA Board Members should review and agree to the Board Expectation Check List.
  3. All NCDA Board members will be asked to sign the Conflict of Interest Statement.
  4. Any elected Board Member from outside of the US is responsible for international airfare costs to the three face-to-face meetings, according to the Board Meeting Travel Policy.

Interested applicants should complete the appropriate Nominations Application Form for the office sought.  EACH MEMBER MAY ONLY COMPLETE ONE APPLICATION FORM.  Select from the forms below.  The deadline for applications is February 6, 2025.


Links to Apply:




Trustee for Private Practice, Business/Industry and Agencies

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