Registration Fee: $1375, Student Manual included and College Credit not included. Extra book, 14 assessments, resume, LInkedIn, PPTs, Videos/Podcasts, LMC, Zoom meetings
Carolyn Jones - bio & contact for Registration
Carolyn D. Jones - President/CEO Carolyn D. Jones is the Past- President of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). She is the President/CEO of CDJ Consulting, LLC. She assists her clients in her private practice with career development strategies and life management. As an FCD Instructor she consistently requires her students to gain competencies as required by the curriculum. She also offers advice and guidance for the professional development of her students as career development practitioners. Carolyn holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, is an adept MBTI practitioner and has earned the NCDA Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS) and Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) credentials. She also holds New York State Permanent Teacher Certification. And she has an extensive professional background as a Career Center Executive Director responsible for career development services and experiential education programs.