NCDA invites you to celebrate National Career Development Month with us! Here are a few ways you can celebrate...
There are many more ways to celebrate (view the sidebar on the NCD Month page).
Share your ideas by leaving a comment below.
Amy Policastro Schroeder on Friday 11/01/2019 at 10:27 AM
In NC, Governor Cooper proclaims November 13, 2019 as NC Career Development Coordinator (K-12) Day, and November as NC Career Development Month!"font-size:0.8em; line-height:1.2em;margin-top:10px">Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the comments shown above are those of the individual comment authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of this organization.
Kathyy Battee-Freeman on Wednesday 11/14/2018 at 09:45 AM
We're celebrating throughout the month by partnering with campus and community collaborators to provide educational and developmental activities.